With regards to how to deal with your well deserved money you can't be excessively cautious. Numerous times a person has put the majority of their trust and funds under the control of an advisor so that you do your duty and pay your taxes on time.
When you are thinking about the services of a tax advisor and preparer for US tax returns, there are some critical inquiries you need to make before you entrust him with your money.
US taxes for Americans abroad
It is smarter to be precautious then regret later. So, you must ask these questions:
Whether you are an American individual or a corporate living or doing business in the UK you must hire an expert service provider to advise you or the corporate on US taxes for Americans abroad. Will this professional be your devoted advisor or do they work for an organization, where you will be liable to various advisors over the long term?
You need to work with somebody you trust and once you set up a strong relationship you will feel more secure in progressing in the direction of similar objectives.