If you’re a citizen or permanent resident of the United States and are living overseas with an enormous income source from the foreign country; then filing taxes to the Federal Government of the US is mandatory for you. With US Expat Tax Help UK; you can understand the rules and directives of tax payment for foreign-living US residents in better and brighter manners.
More Details About Taxation For Foreign US Residents
Individuals, who are the permanent U.S. citizens, including those with dual citizenship for the UK and the US; even including the Green Card holders and are living abroad with some sources of foreign income, must pay tax to US government. However, the minimum salary for tax preparation differs concerning taxpayers’ age and occupation.
US tax advisor London
Everyone whose minimum income from the foreign sources stands on the threshold of $12,000 to file a tax returns and pay income taxes to the federal government of the United States. However, as the process is pretty complicated and time-taking; you are advised to take help of US Tax Advisor London to get the best possible way out for tax saving.